Writings From The Aquarian School

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Recent Contributions:
Posted August 22, 1999
Channelled material presented by Thespian Michaels.
"I have often marveled at the method by which the Teachings of Clear Light are imparted to me and at the evolution of this process over the months it took to receive three volumes of information."
Kundalini, Chi And Orgone Energy
Kundalini is the energy of inspiration in India. In China this energy is called Chi, and in America Wilhelm Reich coined the term Orgone Energy for the same perception, which to most persons is nothing but the figment of over-active imaginations.
The Next Big Step
The Next Big Step, TNBS, and That's Not Bull Shit, is the integration of free flowing body movements with music, art, writing, and with the reasoning mathematical mind.
Earlier Contributions:
My Struggle To Get Better
Manic-depressive. I had mood swings and great expectations, a lot of personal pain and confusion, personal let-downs, ecstatic responses to sights and sounds, roaring waters and winds, fire and light.
Inspiration Is A Healer
At different times in my life, and with increasing frequency after 1978, when I was thirty-nine, I experienced episodes of euphoria and I conceived of many new ideas which came from a source I can best only identify as a "higher intelligence" than reason or memory.
Dear George Letter Number Zero
Dear George. I wrote you two letters this morning, which relate to your meditating in the woods, and to boxes inside of boxes.
Dear George Letter Number One
Dear George. I woke up realizing that you need to be aware that the process I use drives people insane.
Dear George Letter Number Two
Dear George. I was thinking this morning about the vision of a box inside of a box and a wheel inside of a wheel. This was Ezekiel's vision, a wheel inside of a wheel.
Dear George Letter Number Three
Dear George. I awaken with no particular idea, and as I lie in bed after awhile a compelling new thought arises.
Excerpts From Letters Of Recommendation
Here are some shorter recommendations from some persons who live close to my home.
Add Your Raindrop To The River!
Contribute an original article you have written. Paste it onto an e-mail with your copyright notice.
I Have Hundreds Of Articles
New instrumental music, new songs, new graphic designs, new poetry, prose, and even ideas for new businesses all are byproducts of my ongoing research.
Some People Have Said No One Will Ever Do This
There's more to a ray of light than what Maxwell's Theory says.
Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? You've Got To Be Craaaayyzeeeee!
Some people have said that I'm crazy. How could Maxwell have left anything out of his electromagnetic field equations?
Notes On Cheating Death
When we first studied numbers and arithmetic, we looked at pictures showing a number of apples, and a number of oranges and a number of circles or squares. We first learned to add and subtract a number of apples from a larger number of apples.
Come And See. This Is A test.
Come and see that understanding the healing power and the inspiration of saints enables more persons to sense the same healing process in themselves so that they become less aggressive and less warlike as they become more physically and more mentally healthy.
Please Don't Shoot The Singing Bird!
Recently I've written a short letter to fourteen skeptical organizations introducing myself and my work, and I've presented a brief description of a test of spontaneous nonverbal transmissions of information from myself to another person through sustained auric contact.
A Different Use Of and For Human Eyes
We think of eyes being used to express fleeting and subtle emotions and to see what's flying by and illuminated. Quick eyes are good, and enable one to dodge thrown stones and spears. Slow eyes are bad, and fail to see the mostly concealed trap or snake in the grass.
The Need To Engage
Every boy is expected to engage other boys in contests of skill and strength. Boys engage other boys to test each others strength and skill.


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